Organizing-“Type-A” Style!

We have been getting feedback from families all over the country about what is working, and not working in the remote-learning environment. Many of the frustrations come from a lack of fully functional online platforms. Dropped web-conferences, inability to hear the presenter, students making inappropriate comments in the chat feature on the web conference, too many users on the network-…

How is it Going?

First, We want to say thanks to all the people who have checked out the blog on its first day out in public! I hope you can find some useful information in what I am posting. I want to hear from you. How is it going? What are you finding that works for your family? What challenges are you facing…

The Importance of Practical Life Activities

Practical life activities and works are a critical part of each Montessori classroom at every age level. Practical life works can include things like sweeping, washing dishes, plant care, folding laundry, gardening, pet care, shoveling snow, cooking, dusting, sewing, etc. Most of us know these activities as the “chores” we had to do as kids. In a Montessori environment, those…