
The Magic of the Great Lessons

The Montessori Universe lessons are all based on the teaching of the five Great Lessons. The Great Lessons are an amazing way to introduce students to the magic of our universe and spark their interest in learning more. They touch on the the “big questions” in life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How did we come to…

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School Year Wrapped Up Remotely

As the school year ended last spring, We are pretty sure we were able to hear an audible collective sigh of relief from all those involved. Parents, students, teachers, administrators, school board members, and local government officials were all very happy to be ending what can only be described as a chaotic last few months of school. With the pandemic…

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Organizing-“Type-A” Style!

We have been getting feedback from families all over the country about what is working, and not working in the remote-learning environment. Many of the frustrations come from a lack of fully functional online platforms. Dropped web-conferences, inability to hear the presenter, students making inappropriate comments in the chat feature on the web conference, too many users on the network-…

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