
The Magic of the Great Lessons

The Montessori Universe lessons are all based on the teaching of the five Great Lessons. The Great Lessons are an amazing way to introduce students to the magic of our universe and spark their interest in learning more. They touch on the the “big questions” in life. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How did we come to…

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Students Experience Great Benefits in a Variety of Multi-Age Learning Environments

Dr. Montessori organized her student groupings in multi-age classrooms. The age breakdowns are as follows: 3-6-year-olds in Primary 6-9-year-olds in Lower Elementary 9-12-year-olds in Upper Elementary 12-18 year-olds- Adolescence 18-24 year-olds- Maturity     AMI article on Planes of Development You Tube video on Planes of Development If you haven’t ever seen a multi-age classroom in action, it can seem…

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